Problem Reports

If you encounter problems with CodonCode Aligner, please report the problems to CodonCode Corporation by email.


Support email:

When submitting problem reports by email, please give us as much information as you can - the more information we have, the more likely is it that we will be able to reproduce and fix your problem. Some of the most useful things to include are:

  • A description of the operating system version (e.g. Mac OS X 10.4.11) and the CodonCode Aligner version (e.g. 2.0.6) you are using
  • A detailed description of what you were trying to do
  • A detailed description of the problem (screenshots are often very helpful!)
  • The entire contents of the "Logs" folder from the "CodonCode Aligner" folder
  • A copy of the file "status.log" from the project directory

A copy of your project (preferably as a ZIP archive) can also be very useful in solving problems.