SailSize screen shot

SailSize for iPhone

SailSize is a simple (and free) iPhone application for windsurfers. Get SailSize at the iTunes store.


What SailSize does

SailSize calculates the sail size that a windsurfer of average skill needs to comfortably get planing, based on the sailor's weight and the wind speed that you enter. Windsurfers just learning to plane may need a slightly larger sail, experts will be able to use a smaller sail.



The wind speed can be entered in any of these units:

  • knots
  • miles per hour (mph)
  • kilometers per hour (km/h)
  • meters per second (m/s)
  • Beaufort (Bft)

To change the unit used, simpley click on it.

The weight unit can either be pounds (lb) or kilogram (kg).



We can only offer limited support, but we welcome your feedback and suggestions. You can send and email to sailsize (at), or use the links on this page to contact us (please start the title or the email with "SailSize").



SailSize was inspired by James Douglass' sail size spreadsheet, which many windsurfers have used and found to be amazingly accurate and useful.


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