CodonCode's TraceViewer

 TraceViewer - see Phred-generated qualities

See Phred Run. See Phred Qualities.

CodonCode's TraceViewer is a Java program that allow you to see, print, and edit DNA sequencing traces. If the traces were processed with Phred and therefore contain base call qualities, TraceViewer allows you to see Phred quality values. Key features of TraceViewer are:

  • Read sequence traces from ABI or SCF files.
  • Display traces on white or black background.
  • Display Phred quality values as bars or numbers with one of three different color schemes.
  • TraceViewer is free for academic users.

On Windows and Mac OS X, TraceViewer has been replaced with the demo version of CodonCode Aligner. Aligner offers improved support for trace viewing, editing, and printing, for example the ability to view and print multiple traces.


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